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Oakfield First School

Excellence through Partnership in Learning

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Universal Infant Free School Meals

A reminder that ALL children in Saplings, Year 1 and Year 2, from 1st September 2014, now receive free school meals from the new Hot Meals Programme. There are no requirements to register or sign up, your child simply orders their lunch choice at registration each day.


Meals are provided by Caterlink and the menu for the Autumn term is pre-set.  Please see below for a copy or ask the School Office.


If you believe you have a credit on your child's lunch account, refunds can be applied for from Caterlink via Miss Taylor in the Finance Office.  Refunds will be received in the form of a cheque from Caterlink directly in the post.


Only children in Year 3 and 4 are required to pay for their lunches

(pre-pay at £2.20 per day).