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Oakfield First School home page

Oakfield First School

Excellence through Partnership in Learning

Contact us

Friends of Oakfield (PTA)

Windsor Garden Market!

Come and join the Friends of Oakfield on 23rd November  9am to 5pm in Windsor town center!

Friends of Oakfield

‘Friends of Oakfield’ is the name of our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and a registered charity.


We organise fundraising events and activities throughout the year, raising money to buy tools and maintain facilities which enhance our children’s education.  The money raised contributed to the purchase of our wonderful new climbing frame, the upkeep of our swimming pool, the renovation of our beautiful butterfly garden, updating the school reading scheme and much more.


We Welcome You

We warmly welcome all parents to work with us to benefit our school and help our children flourish. There are lots of ways to get involved and we would love you to join us. If you would like to get in touch, you can email us at

Attend Events or Volunteer

We run a wide range of events throughout the year, including Quiz Nights, Bunny Bingo, a Book Run, Curry Night, fairs, cake sales and more besides. Come along and join in, they’re always lots of fun, and it’s your support and enthusiasm that keeps us going.


Raise Funds While you Shop

You can help us access thousands of £’s of free funds for Oakfield every time you shop online. Simply register with and and we will receive a donation. There’s no catch and registration takes seconds:


Easyfundraising is the UK’s biggest charity fundraising site. It’s easy to use and free. Shop with over 3,500 retailers including John Lewis, Sainsbury’s and Argos.

To get started click here to go to the Friends of Oakfield supporters page. Click on the pink ‘Support this Cause’ button and create an account. Remember it costs nothing and takes seconds to join! Every time you shop you will earn between 0.5% and 10% of the purchase price for Oakfield. Add an easyfundraising icon to your desktop so they can let you know when you are shopping with one of their partners


Amazon smile is the same old Amazon, but with the advantage that you can donate to your favourite charity. It costs nothing and Amazon donates 0.5% of the net purchase price of every shop.


To get started go to and log-in using your usual Amazon details. The first time you visit select ‘Oakfield First School’ as your charity – it’s as simple as that. Add a bookmark to to help you remember to use it.


Match Funding

Did you know that many companies pledge to match any funds their employees raise for charities like Oakfield? High street banks, building societies, supermarkets and large corporations are all likely to match fund, but small independent companies may be interested in charitable giving through match funding too.

We would be grateful if you could find out if your employer offers a match funding scheme and let us know by email at We will help you get the ball rolling – we promise it won’t take too much of your time.


Parent Giving Scheme

If you are in a position to help us out with one-off or regular donations, we’d love to hear from you at We’re in the process of setting up a Parent Giving Scheme with GiftAid. Stay tuned to find out more.


Share Your Skills

If you have a particular skill and a few hours of spare time, we would love you to give us a hand. If you’re a keen gardener, decorator, social media whizz, DJ, carpenter, baker – or anything else besides, we’d love your help. Email us at if you have a skill to share.

FoO Fundraising