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Oakfield First School

Excellence through Partnership in Learning

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Year 2 Adventure Evening

Our annual Adventure Evening for Year 2 takes place on a Friday in early October. The children return to school at 5pm to be taken on a discovery walk around the school grounds looking for clues as to what animals and birds visit our school when they think that there are no children around.

Over the years the children have spotted foxes, squirrels, hedgehogs, moles, a whole variety of birds including woodpeckers and parakeets, and even young deer which we think must have strayed from the Great Park, and a badger. One year the children were lucky enough to discover a shy little hedgehog hiding in the bushes, and they also made owl calls and listened to the owls replying.

As dusk gathers, hot refreshments are served indoors, after which, fortified by jacket potatoes, sausage, cheese and beans, the children go outside again in the darkness to round off the evening enjoying singing round a real camp fire.

'It's really good that I'm in the Cubs because I knew all those songs' - Robert - Year 2 2010

'I've always wanted to see a real hegehog all my life, and now I have' - Midha - Year 2 2010

'I can't believe I found a tiger in Cedar Class' - Jack - Year 2 2012