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Oakfield First School

Excellence through Partnership in Learning

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Remote Learning

Our Remote Learning plan began at the beginning of the Covid Pandemic. We are proud of our online offer to ensure that learning is not interrupted. Any child who is isolating due to Covid (and feels well) will continue to have work set online. Our plan offers remote learning opportunities whilst also acknowledging that some households have limited access to devices and would require hard-copies of work and resources. We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school.


Daily reading is extremely important for all children. Our children in Reception have access to reading books which have been carefully selected to match their reading fluency. In years 1, 2, 3 and 4 children use 'Oxford Reading Tree' to widen their selection of stage books whilst at home.


White Rose Maths

White Rose is our main mathematics scheme across the whole school. There are videos online that link to the maths planning and activities provided.

Oak National Academy

The Department for Education has funded Oak National Academy to provide online video lessons from teachers to teach all children nationally. All schools in the UK are encouraged to promote this excellent initiative.

Further Resources