Oakfield First School Equality Statement.
At Oakfield First School we are committed to ensuring equal opportunity in line with the Equality Act of 2010. We seek to demonstrate this through all aspects of life, and in particular through our commitment to every pupil achieving their potential. This commitment applies to our work in the classroom, our pupil support systems, the recruitment and retention of staff and our work with our wider community.
As a school we aim to ensure that all pupils benefit from a breadth of opportunities which will enable them to identify their strengths and recognise areas where they need to develop further in order to achieve the very best that they are capable of. We work closely with parents on how they can support their child’s development and learning. Where pupils experience barriers to their success, whether academic, social or physical, we work with them to address these in a sensitive and sympathetic manner. We believe that all of our children deserve to have a voice in the running of their school and this is achieved through the School Council.
Through our work in the classroom we ensure that pupils understand the importance of equality and what forms discrimination can take and the impact that discrimination can have on ourselves and on others. We will also seek to foster in our pupils their own commitment to promoting equality.
As an employer we do not discriminate against any of the following:
Religion and Faith
Sexual Orientation
Marriage and Civil Partnership
Gender Reassignment
Nor do we accept any of the following:
Direct Discrimination
Indirect Discrimination
Discrimination by Perception
Associative Discrimination
Harassment by a Third Party
Any discrimination that may arise is recorded on an Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form, or in the case of racial incidents on a Racial Incident Form.
This statement is to be read in conjunction with our Equality Policy and is monitored by the Leadership Team and Governing Board. The Executive Headteacher reports on any incidents of discrimination to the Governors in his termly Reports to Governors. Data on any racial incidents is collected by the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead twice a year.