Community SEND Information
Autism Sensory Bus
Throughout the remainder of November and all of December a new sensory bus, for autistic children, will be attending multiple Christmas events throughout Maidenhead. They will be offering an autism friendly Santa’s Grotto and sensory room bookings to provide a safe space and calming experience for children who may be feeling overwhelmed at the event so they and their families can attend – inclusion for all.
From January 2025, they will be trialling the bus termly with schools so they can offer a sensory room facility onsite for schools that currently are unable to offer this support to children with autism currently. They are also in the planning stage to offer haircuts and counselling in the bus sensory room environment.
Join us to celebrate the launch and hear formally all about our journey and future plans for the residents of Maidenhead and Windsor.
Saturday 16th November - Launch Event
1.30pm - 3.30pm
Maidenhead United Football Ground
Here is the Facebook event link with full details that can be shared as well:
Saturday 23rd November - Maidenhead Christmas Lights
11am - 5.30pm
Outside Knead, St Ives Road
Sunday 24th November - Christmas Fair
1pm - 5pm
Desborough Bowls Club
Saturday 14th December - Christmas Sensory Bus
12 - 4pm
Outside Off the Tap, High Street
The Family Hub Service has a wealth of information and support on their website, hosted by RBWM. There is advice for parents who have teenagers or pre-teens, how to support your child, to be school ready, details of parenting groups and parenting courses. Please follow the link below for further details.
RBWM Parents’ Share - Information
Parents' Share is a monthly meeting designed to offer support to parents of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).
We hold a comprehensive programme of information sessions and informal drop in coffee mornings which provide an opportunity for parents "to meet and discuss things with other parents".
These sessions are usually held at Friends House, 14 West Street, Maidenhead, SL6 1RL
Who can attend:
Any parent or carer of a child or young person with additional needs. You may attend any or all of the meetings. Pre-school children are welcome to attend but you have responsibility for them.
You can find a copy of our Parents’ Share programme on our website