At Oakfield we aim to create enthusiastic, motivated and skilful learners through the extensive use of ICT to enhance teaching and learning. We want children to develop skills to confidently and competently use ICT across the curriculum.
For Learners:
- Pupils are engaged through enriched multi-media learning experiences
- Pupils use ICT to enhance their learning and deepen their understanding
- Pupils extend their learning beyond the classroom
- Pupils are empowered to take control of their own ‘e-learning’ and understand how to stay safe
For Teachers:
- Teachers use a wide range of ICT to plan, deliver, assess, evaluate and improve the curriculum
- ICT enriches learning for pupils of all learning styles (Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic)
- Teachers are empowered to give pupils opportunities to learn in different ways through new technologies that are current in the modern world
- ICT should make it possible for us to reduce our workload, enabling us to work more efficiently and enhance and support our teaching