Online Payment (SCOPAY)
Oakfield First School uses SCOPAY for online payments and ordering hot school lunches. You may already have an account, if so great news, they have released a new mobile app where you can pay for trips, lunches and Breakfast and Tea club (not using Childcare vouchers) and order your child's lunch.
New pupils will receive a letter from school in their first few weeks at Oakfield providing your child's individual online link code and instructions on how to set up your account. If you haven't yet got an account please contact the school office and request an online link code for SCOPAY.
Go to the App Store or Google Play, search for SCOPAY and download the app onto your mobile phone.
SCOPAY App Help Videos for parents -
You can still log in via a web browser at
Please note that all online payments for lunches are sent directly to:
Caterlink Limited
The Waterfront
300 Thames Valley Park Drive
Your bank statement will display 'Caterlink Ltd' for these payments.
The lunch menu can be found here: