Modern Foreign Languages
Foreign Languages are very important at Oakfield since over one third of our children are bi-lingual. We have 24 first languages other than English spoken in the school, and a number of our staff are also bi-lingual. Right from the start of school we introduce other languages into the classroom during the calling of the morning registers and in everyday activities such as learning songs and celebrating festivals like Chinese New Year.
Formal Foreign Language teaching starts from Year 3, and currently all Key Stage 2 children study French as their first Modern Foreign Language. In French lessons they learn how to introduce themselves and respond to simple everyday questions. Using mime and song, they learn some useful and varied vocabulary, such as how to order from a basic menu and how to describe themselves.
Our creative curriculum also enables us to incorporate elements of other languages throughout Key Stage 2. For example the children learn some Latin as part of studying Roman history, and in English they look at how Latin and Greek word roots can help us understand modern day English vocabulary.
Outside the classroom we also offer a lunchtime French club.