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Oakfield First School

Excellence through Partnership in Learning

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As a Chartered PSHE school our guiding principle is that all members of our school community acquire knowledge, skills and understanding in the areas of social and moral responsibility, community involvement and political literacy, and that through this they will strive to become model citizens.


Many of the themes that we explore are cross curricular, and apply particularly to areas of Religious Education and Personal and Social development. We also place emphasis on the long term health of our planet, and our rights and responsibilities as members of a sustainable environment.


All subjects contribute to children's understanding of their world, and our work in Global Citizenship, as part of the ethos of the school, enables children to be aware of the wider world and their own role within it. They learn to respect both commonality and diversity, to know that they have a voice in highlighting social injustice, and to participate locally and globally at all levels in their community.


Sex Education questions sex and relationships, it is dealt with in a straightforward manner appropriate to the age and understanding of the child and are approached through planned topic activities or through personal circumstances as they arise. Shortly before their transfer to Middle School, Year 4 children study a short Sex Education course based upon three television programmes, followed up by discussion with the class teacher. Parents are invited to view these programmes beforehand and are at liberty to withdraw their children from the lessons if they wish.


Responsibility for the school’s policy on Sex Education rests with the Headteacher. You are welcome to look at, and discuss with us, our agreed syllabus and policy documents.