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Oakfield First School

Excellence through Partnership in Learning

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SEND Policy and Report

As well being well-known and respected throughout Windsor for our academic excellence and outstanding provision in arts and sports, Oakfield has a strong reputation for Special Educational Needs. SEND children make exceptional progress in the caring and nurturing environment of the school (Ofsted 2010).


Our well qualified and highly experienced Teaching Assistants work with the teachers to support children with SEND, whether in class, in small groups or on a one-to-one basis. We also liaise closely with other professional services including Educational Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. Our SEND Co-ordinator is responsible for monitoring the progress of our children with SEND, as well as those who have been identified as 'Gifted and Talented', and ensuring that our provision is continually well-matched to every child's individual needs across the school. Parents are crucial to this process and are regularly included in discussions about their children's learning in school, and how they can support from home.


Under the Children and Families Act (2014), Local Authorities are required to publish information about services available to children with SEND. This is known as the 'Local Offer'. Oakfield provides part of the Local Offer for Windsor and Maidenhead. The PDF below gives details of our own Local Offer.