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Oakfield First School

Excellence through Partnership in Learning

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Message from Mrs Hull - COVID advice

18th September 2020


Dear Parents,


Please see information below outlining the updated advice regarding the isolation period if you are experiencing symptoms or indeed have tested positive for Coronavirus.


“If you have symptoms of COVID-19 however mild, self-isolate for at least 10 days from when your symptoms started. You should arrange to have a test to see if you have COVID-19 – go to testing to arrange. Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.


If you are not experiencing symptoms but have tested positive for COVID-19, self-isolate for at least 10 days, starting from the day the test was taken. If you develop symptoms during this isolation period, restart your 10-day isolation from the day you developed symptoms.


After 10 days, if you still have a temperature you should continue to self-isolate and seek medical advice. You do not need to self-isolate after 10 days if you only have a cough or loss of sense of smell or taste, as these symptoms can last for several weeks after the infection has gone.”

Guidance – Public Health England
Stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection
Updated 10 September 2020

As communicated earlier this week, if anyone within a household develops symptoms then the entire household is required to isolate.


We understand that it is proving difficult to get a test at the moment. If you are unable to get a test then the individual with the symptoms should isolate for 10 days – the rest of the household should isolate for 14 days. If you have managed to get a test then your child can return to school as soon as you have confirmation of a negative result.


We have prepared work to be completed at home if your child is self-isolating. We can arrange for this work to go home with a friend who may be able to pop it through your letter box, or alternatively we can email work to you. Please let us know your preference when you confirm your child’s absence with the school office.


The advice is changing and being updated as the situation changes so when in doubt seek medical advise. Please find below the link to the Stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection



Warm regards

Suzanne Hull