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Oakfield First School

Excellence through Partnership in Learning

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Menu change for St. George's Day - Monday 23rd April 2018

In place of their advertised menu Caterlink are serving a special St. George's Day menu on Monday 23rd April, which will be as follows:


Roast Chicken with Roast Potatoes & Onion Gravy

Vegetarian Wellington with Roast Potatoes

Honey Glazed Carrots & Garden Peas

Syrup Sponge with Vanilla Custard  


Please note that instead of roast dinner on Wednesday 25th April, Caterlink will be serving Monday's advertised menu:


Chicken and Tomato Pasta

Rice with Quorn & Mixed Beans

Roast Peppers & Sweetcorn Mix

Berry and Apple Cobbler & Cream


Jacket potato, fruit & yoghurt are available both days, as usual.