Golden Anniversary Open Afternoon Plans Revealed
We have a very exciting programme of events planned for our Golden Anniversary Celebration Day on Friday 25th October.
All day long, Mike Burgess, famous chainsaw wood sculptor, will be creating sculptures for us from the recently fallen bough of one of our Oakfield Oaks. He is visiting school beforehand to discuss designs with the children - current ideas are an Oakfield Owl and a fairy ring of oak toadstools - and will realise these on the day.
In the morning the children will be experiencing some lessons from the first days of Oakfield. Mrs Tina Rainbow (nee Hole) has lent us her Oakfield school report from 1970 so we know that the children studied reading, handwriting, creative writing, arithmetic, social studies, handicraft, PE and art. In the afternoon the children will be doing a variety of modern 2013 activities using all the wide range of equipment which we now have at our disposal - Interactive Whiteboards, laptops and practical apparatus of all kinds - so that the past pupils and parents visiting us can see how the school has changed.
At 3pm the Town Crier will announce the arrival of the Worshipful the Mayor of Windsor and Maidenhead who will officially open the new building extensions, after which refreshments will be available for purchase. To celebrate our Tudor Oak Trees, the centrepiece of the food will be a Tudor Hog Roast.
During the day, the Windsor Museum Oral History Team will be working with the children in Sycamore Class to capture interviews with the past pupils about the school in their time. The children have been practising interviewing and recording and designing some probing questions.
Theroughout the afternoon the children will be offering visitors tours of the school, and old pupils will have the chance to find their names in the old admissions registers. There will be an exhibition of memorabilia - the more things that people lend us the bigger the exhibition will be! We will be showing films of past Field Trips and there will be plenty of photos and past press cuttings to see. You will also be able to purchase our Oakfield Anniversary Cookbook, with delicious recipes provided by Oakfield families and staff.
Last, but by no means least, we will be revealing the beautiful now Golden Anniversary wall-hanging created by our family Sewing Bee Club under the guidance of artist Benta Hicks.
Please come and join us! Just e-mail/phone/drop into the school to let us know that you're coming so that we have a guide to numbers for catering.
We look forward to seeing you!