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Oakfield First School

Excellence through Partnership in Learning

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Copy of Email to Children from Mrs Hull (Week 2)

Please find below a copy of an email sent to all children from Mrs Hull today:


Dear Children,


It has been lovely to hear from so many of you this week and I know your teachers have been really pleased to receive so many messages. I hope you have all been helping your parents out (Respect) as I know lots of them are trying to do their work at home too.


Make sure that you keep checking in on your Class Pages as your teachers are constantly updating it with ideas of things to do and also their newsletters and videos. (Responsibility)


I know lots of your teachers have told you about how they are learning to do something new whilst stuck at home. I would love to hear from any of you that have started a new hobby or are trying out a new skill. I’ve started to crotchet but I must admit it’s a lot harder than it looks.

I’ve been working at it for a little while now and haven’t got very far but I am not going to give up – I am determined to finish the project I have started! (Resilience) See photo below


I read Mrs Issitt’s letter to Cedar Class today and she told the children of some very good advice that she got from a very wise woman.


“Every night before you go to sleep, think about something that you are grateful for”


I know I am grateful for the people I work with, knowing how hard they are working to make your ‘home learning’ experience the best it can be. I am grateful for the doctors and the nurses who are working so hard to keep people well and I am grateful for my family who I am enjoying spending time with. What are you grateful for?


I wonder what Roy was grateful for today? See photo below


It is not easy all being at home together and not being able to go out very much. It reminds me of one of our assemblies about being helpful and kind to each other and how that makes living together, whether a family in a house or our school family at school, so much happier for everyone.  If you don’t remember it, the link is below. Ask permission from your mum or dad to follow the link. Show them the clip and ask them what they think? What could you do each day to be kind and helpful to your family? I would love to hear all about it. You can send me an email perhaps and let me know.


The Pay it Forward Video


So that is nearly our second week of ‘home learning’ done.  I am so proud of every single one of you and I know you are all trying your very best at home.


Take care


Mrs Hull x