School Hours
Lower School - Foundation, Years 1 & 2
9.00am - 12.00pm (morning break 10.20 - 10.35 am)
1.10pm - 3.10pm (Foundation only) / 3.15pm (Years 1 & 2)
Direct teaching time: 22.9 hours per week (Secretary of State's recommended minimum teaching time: 21 hours)
Upper School/KS2 - Years 3 & 4
9.00am - 12.15pm (morning break 10.40 - 10.55 am)
1.10pm - 3.15pm
Direct teaching time: 23.9 hours per week (Secretary of State's recommended minimum teaching time: 23.5 hours)
School doors are opened at 8.45am. Registers are completed at 9.00am, ready for the start of lessons. Children are expected to arrive punctually, and thereby get the day off to a good start.
For the safety of our children, we ask parents not to drop off or pick up children in the staff car park. Parents should either park in Imperial Park (opposite the school) and walk over the footbridge, or in the Springfield Road area and use our back entrance.
If your child is being picked up by someone other than the ‘usual adult’, then we ask that you let the school know. You can communicate this by emailing the school office at, phoning the school office on 01753 861347 or by passing the details to one of the adults on the doors in the morning. Please note, that we will not let your child go home with anyone other than yourselves unless you have informed us.
Children not picked up at 3:10pm/3:15pm will be taken to the office. If children have not been picked up by 3:30pm then we will send them to our Tea Club and you will be invoiced for the full session.