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Oakfield First School

Excellence through Partnership in Learning

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Governors Meetings

Meetings of the full Governing Board take place 6 times a year (once each half term). Meetings are held on Mondays, with a 7pm start, except for the final meeting of the year which is held at 5pm and concludes with dinner at a local restaurant to which members of the school Leadership Team are also invited.


The Governors have two standing committees - Curriculum and Resources - which also meet once each half term. These meetings are all held on a Monday, with Curriculum at 4pm and Resources at 7pm.


In addition to staff governors, both committees have staff as ex officio members. Members of the Leadership Team attend all meetings of the Curriculum Committee, and Mrs Bird (School Business Manager) is part of the Resources Committee. In this way staff expertise is shared with the governors, and the governors have the opportunity to speak directly to the members of staff concerned with their area of responsibility.


Additionally all Governors are members of either the First or the Appeals Committee. Meetings of the First Committee are called when required (for example to discuss school staffing). Should there be any resulting disputes, an appeals panel would be able to be formed from the remaining Governors.


Part I minutes are readily available on request via the Clerk to Governors who can be contacted by email at