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Oakfield First School

Excellence through Partnership in Learning

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All children stay at school during the lunch break, eating in the dining room.  Caterlink is our school caterer and food is cooked fresh on the premises daily.  The children opt on a daily basis for a hot meal, or a hot vegetarian meal, both of which are served with a choice of vegetables or salad, and a pudding. 


Currently all children in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for FREE school meals.


Year 3 and 4 need to pay £2.64 per meal (unless they are eligible for Free School Meals) and can be paid for online via

Some children bring in a packed lunch from home.  Packed lunches must not include any glass bottles or sweets.  Friday is the one day of the week when hot lunches include chips and packed lunches may include a packet of crisps.

Caterlink's lunch menu can be found here: