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Oakfield First School

Excellence through Partnership in Learning

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Golden Anniversary Open Day - Fri 25th October

Oakfield opened in September 1963, and the children moved over to the new school from the old Trevelyan site during the autumn term as the school was completed. Were you there? Were you an Oakfield pupil or teacher at that time or at any time since? If so, please do get in touch.

We are looking for memories from old pupils/teachers/parents which we hope to share in a book to be published in July 2014 at the end of the year. Do you have any old photos? Have you kept in touch with any old friends from Oakfield days? We would love to hear your stories.

We are holding an Open Day on Friday 25th October which everyone who has been connected with Oakfield in the past is welcome to attend. The school has changed tremendously in the past two years - come and see the developments.

Please contact us if you would like to be part of our celebration.