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Oakfield First School

Excellence through Partnership in Learning

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Year 3 Environmental Week

Each year whilst the Year 4 children are away on the Isle of Wight, Year 3's spend a lively and exhilarating week getting to know our beautiful school grounds a little better. Environmental Week for 2013 was based around the Oakfield Oaks - the mighty Oak trees which have stood on this site for almost 600 years and from which our school takes its name.

Environmental Week is a curriculum enrichment week offering the children the opportunity to investigate and explore the year's chosen theme from a number of different angles, and following their particular interests and enthusiasms. Environmental week 2013 started with a pottery day during which they will be creating sculptures of the legendary 'Green Man', and a visit to The Lookout Discovery Centre in Bracknell.

During the week the children measure, calculate, sketch, paint, write poetry, create a dance drama, realising their artistic ideas in Fimo clay, sewing, designing and make sugarcraft decorations.

'I really enjoyed Environmental Week last year. The best thing was working on the design for the new Butterfly Garden and trying to work out what plants the butterflies would like.'

Callum  - Year 4